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Eddy S Basjir

Kanazawa to Takayama by Hokuriku Area Pass

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Hello Japan Station Forum,

I plan to visit Hokuriku area in November and plan to purchase  “Hokuriku Area Pass” (valid for 4 days).


I plan to go to Takayama from Kanazawa via Toyama with my Hokuriku Area Pass.


My question are:


  1. I understand this pass valid until Inotani only for my journey to Takayama from Kanazawa via Toyama. Is this correct?
  2. In Inotani station, I need to change with other train to Takayama and since my Pass not valid for this journey I need to purchase a ticket, if I am not mistaken 970 Yen. Is this correct?
  3. I understand the transit time in Inotani station for the next train is very short. So I need help the answer of these questions.  How do I purchase the ticket for the next train, I meant, can I use my SUICA card to enter the gate? Or should I buy the ticket at ticket booth. Would appreciate if I can get the information for the steps need to be taken after getting off from the first train.

Appreciate any information you may provide.

Best regards, Eddy

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